Adrianna Eargle Marketing Coordinator
Office Phone 803-766-0900 X 106
Cell Phone 803-767-6594
Location Columbia, SC
As marketing coordinator, Adrianna works with both the Ohio and South Carolina branches to implement innovative strategies that best represent the firm and its clients. Her role includes managing all print and digital media, maintaining the company’s social media presence, ensuring community and philanthropic involvement, public relations, and market research.
Adrianna has a bachelor’s degree in Visual Communications from the University of South Carolina with more than 3 years of marketing experience. Before her career in Real Estate, Adrianna was a staffing manager and social media specialist. Throughout college and into her career, Adrianna has grown her marketing expertise by helping local companies grow their social media and brand awareness. She prides herself in being a member of the Columbia Chamber of Commerce.
Outside of the office Adrianna enjoys photography, spending time with her friends and family, visiting local coffee shops, and considers herself a Cola foodie expert.